About me

I'm an enthusiastic web developer based in Lisbon

I'm currently studying and developing projects every day on Web Development

I’m Brazilian, 28 years old and both sport and tech lover. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Master’s degree in healthcare.

I was always a tech person, playing MMO RPGs since i was teenager, facinated by drones and IOT technology. Back in 2013 i came back from 1 year Rotary exchange program in Belgium and decided to start a Psychology graduation, where I became very interested in the clinical area but also in technological solutions to help with work safety.

Before finishing this graduation, I accompanied several Brazilian startups from my hometown Curitiba innovating in Cloud solutions for small and large multinational companies. That really made my eyes shine. On 2016 I did the first year of  Analysis and Systems Development course before move to Portugal, where I could learn some concepts of programming as object oriented programming, databases, programming logic, computer architecture and algorithms, for example. 

Only on 2021, some months after came to Portugal that I decided to do a definitive professional transition. So I managed to finish the Master’s degree that I started in the health area, while studying web development concepts, languages and frameworks. Since then, I’m spending most of my time studying and working on both front-end and back-end development projects. 

I‘ve worked on various case study projects with different frameworks and I’m sure I can help you with the best possible suggestions of which frameworks to use and work on each project, in addition to being a significant member of the development team.

All I can say that all those years of experience in the health area brought me countless learnings, mainly in soft skills, which I am taking during this professional transition to web development.

My Skills

I belive that learning should never stop! To design and develop better products, it’s crucial to be always up to date with new features, technologies, frameworks, libraries and programming languages.


My Experience

Jan 2023 - Currently


Content Reviewer

I'm part of an amazing team to perform content review for a wordwide platform in accordance with policies to improve machine learning processes.

July - December 2022

BNP Paribas

Account Manager

Perform the main processes of Securities Settlement Department.

March - July 2022


Content Moderator

French market Content Moderator for a social media worldwide client.

JULY 2021 - MARCH 2022


Customer Support Expert

French Language Customer Support of Products and Services for a worldwide tech client.

AUG 2019 - JUN 2020

Organizational and Work Consulting – PUCPR

Work safety intern

Satisfaction Surveys, Reception and Integration of new NPP interns, Security Diagnosis of the Work for CATERPILLAR; Career Planning for PUCPR students.


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